
Pigment Yellow 138
  • Pigment Yellow 138

Pigment Yellow 138

Supply PigmentYellow 138(toner,tonerhigh temperature,high performance pigments)Pigment Yellow138Index number; C.I.P.Y138ChemicalClass:quinophthaloneCAS No.: 30125-47-4Corresponding foreignbrands: Yellow K0961 HDBASFPY138Shade: GreenYellowTemperature:300 degreesFast:7-8Features: bright color,strong coloring power, high heat resistance,heat resistance, acid andalkali resistance, non-migratoryPackaging:25 kg/ bagUses: mainlyused in plasticsand coatings, paintcoloring, but also forsyntheticliquid co

Supply Pigment Yellow 138 (toner, toner high temperature, high performance pigments)
Pigment Yellow 138
Index number; C.I.P.Y138
Chemical Class: quinophthalone
CAS No.: 30125-47-4
Corresponding foreign brands: Yellow K0961 HD BASF PY138
Shade: Green Yellow
Temperature: 300 degrees
Fast :7-8
Features: bright color, strong coloring power, high heat resistance, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, non-migratory
Packaging: 25 kg / bag
Uses: mainly used in plastics and coatings, paint coloring, but also for synthetic liquid coloring